

Choose your package No setup fees. No contracts. Please be sure to have the application installed before you purchase a package.
1 Month
  • 500+ Channels
  • All Indian Languages
  • English Movie Channels
  • Sports Channels
  • Catch-Up TV
  • Movies On Demand
  • Fire TV & Android Support
  • 2 Simultaneous Connections
  • -
3 Month
$30/3 mo
  • 500+ Channels
  • All Indian Languages
  • English Movie Channels
  • Sports Channels
  • Catch-Up TV
  • Movies On Demand
  • Fire TV & Android Support
  • 2 Simultaneous Connections
  • 15% Savings!
6 Month
$55/6 mo
  • 500+ Channels
  • All Indian Languages
  • English Movie Channels
  • Sports Channels
  • Catch-Up TV
  • Movies On Demand
  • Fire TV & Android Support
  • 2 Simultaneous Connections
  • 25% Savings!
1 Year
  • 500+ Channels
  • All Indian Languages
  • English Movie Channels
  • Sports Channels
  • Catch-Up TV
  • Movies On Demand
  • Fire TV & Android Support
  • 3 Simultaneous Connections
  • 30% Savings!
3 Year
$230/3 yr
  • 500+ Channels
  • All Indian Languages
  • English Movie Channels
  • Sports Channels
  • Catch-Up TV
  • Movies On Demand
  • Fire TV & Android Support
  • 3 Simultaneous Connections
  • 50% Savings!
Important Notes:
  • Additional connections can be added during check out.
  • Apple devices, Windows & macOS are supported via third-party application.
  • MAG boxes are not supported.
  • Roku is not supported.